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Installation and Execution of the Win32 Version

The Win32 version of PHREEQC requires Windows 9x or Windows NT. The installation file phrqc2xx.exe (where xx is the version number), obtained by downloading from a web page or anonymous ftp, will install the necessary files to run PHREEQC. Optionally, the installation program will modify the user's path to allow PHREEQC to run from any directory. The installation will install all of the files of the program distribution into a user-supplied directory name (default c:\usgs\phreeqc ). The executable file ( phreeqc.exe ) will be installed in the subdirectory src\Release relative to the installation directory. A batch file ( phreeqc.bat ) will be installed in the installation directory along with the database files ( phreeqc.dat , wateq4f.dat , and minteq.dat ). The source code is installed in the subdirectory src relative to the installation directory. An example file for each problem described in the "Examples" section of this manual is copied into the subdirectory examples relative to the installation directory.

The version of PHREEQC described here is a batch-oriented program that requires an input file that describes the calculations to be made, an output file name to store results, and a database file. To run any of the input files in the examples subdirectory, change directory to the examples directory in a DOS window. Note that example 14 requires the database file wateq4f.dat, which is in the installation directory, and example 15 requires the database file ex15.dat , which is in the examples subdirectory. All other examples can be run with the database file phreeqc.dat . Invoke PHREEQC with any of the following commands.

phreeqc (The program will query for each of the needed files.)

phreeqc input (The input file is named input , the output file will be
named input.out and the default database file
will be used.)

phreeqc input output (The input file is named input , the output file is
named output , and the default database file
will be used.)

phreeqc input output database (All file names are specified explicitly.)

phreeqc input output database screen_output (All file names are specified explicitly, and screen output
is directed to the file screen_output .)

The environmental variable PHREEQC_DATABASE can be used to specify the default database for a DOS window session. This environmental variable can be set with the command:

set PHREEQC_DATABASE =c:\mydirectory\myproject\mydata.dat

If the environmental variable is not set, the default database file is phreeqc.dat in the installation directory. If PHREEQC is invoked with at least three arguments, the third argument is the database file and it supersedes any of the default databases. When specifying the database file, it may be necessary to give a relative pathname. For instance, example 14 requires the database wateq4f.dat and this example could be run from the examples subdirectory with the following command:

phreeqc ex14 ex14.out ..\wateq4f.dat

The results of this calculation will be found in the file ex14.out in the examples directory.

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