PHRQPITZ Program PHRQPITZ and data entry program PITZINPT are included in these directories. PHRQPITZ is a reaction path code for high ionic-strength waters that can also be used as a speciation code. RETRIEVING PHRQPITZ (1) Download the compressed tar files to your home machine. Put the tar file in a directory named "phrqpitz". (2) Uncompress the compressed tar file and extract the files with tar. The files will automatically extract into subdirectories named bin, data, doc, src, and test. uncompress phrqpitz.1.11.tar.Z tar -xvof phrqpitz.1.11.tar INSTALLING PHRQPITZ (3) Change directory into src and compile the programs using make. Two executables will be created, ../bin/phrqpitz.exe and ../bin/pitzinpt.exe. cd src make (4) Install the scripts to run phrqpitz and pitzinpt. These scripts will be copied into a directory to store executables and the appropriate pathnames to find the data tables and executable files will be inserted. The variable BINDIR defines the directory of executables in which the programs will be installed. The bin directory is assumed to be in your PATH, so that the programs will run, regardless of the directory from which they are invoked. Default is $(HOME)/bin: This installs scripts in $(HOME)/bin: make install This installs executables in the specified directory: make install BINDIR=/home/jdoe/bin EXECUTING PHRQPITZ AND PITZINPT After the scripts PHRQPITZ and PITZINPT are properly installed (part 4 above) in a directory that is included in your PATH, PITZINPT may be executed from any directory with the command "pitzinpt". Default pathnames for a pitzinpt database and phrqpitz database files are provided by the script. The program PHRQPITZ is executable as follows: phrqpitz [input_file [output_file ] ] where the arguments are optional. (a) If no input file is given, the program will solicit the input, output, and 2 database file names. (b) If only an input_file name is given, then the default output_file name will be input_file.out, default database files will be phrqpitz.dat and pitzer.dat in the phrqpitz/data directory. (c) If two arguments are given, then the first is the input_file name and the second is the output_file name. Default database files are used.