USGS.gif Dissolved Organic Carbon Interactions with Mercury...

Dissolved Organic Carbon Interactions with Mercury in the Everglades

George Aiken and Michael Reddy

USGS, 3215 Marine Street, Boulder, Colorado 80303

Everglades Dissolved Organic Carbon


- Interactions of mercury with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) play important roles in controlling reactivity, bioavailability and transport of mercury in the Florida Everglades.

- Little is known about the nature and magnitude of these interactions.


- Determine the nature and amount of DOC in the Everglades.

- Assess the significance of mercury-DOC interactions on the reactivity of mercury in the Everglades.

Everglades study site locations

Distribution of DOC

- Surface water DOC concentrations generally decrease from north to south.

- DOC concentrations are greater for surface water during low water periods.

- DOC concentrations in the sediments are higher than in the overlying surface water.

- DOC distribution in the sediments are dramatically different during low water compared to high water periods.

cattail environment sawgrass environment

This poster was presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting, May 26-29, 1998, Boston, MA.

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