Enhanced Dissolution of Cinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide)
by Dissolved Organic Matter
Isolated from the Everglades, FL
M. Ravichandran1, G.R. Aiken2, M.M. Reddy2, J.N. Ryan1
1Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309
2USGS, 3215 Marine Street, Boulder, CO 80303
Dissolved organic matter (DOM), particularly the humic fractions, are known to increase the
solubilitiy of several oxide, hydroxide, and sulfide minerals. Despite the ubiquitous presence of DOM
in natural waters and the toxic nature of mercury (Hg) to organisms, the role of DOM in the
dissolution of cinnabar (HgS), a major ore mineral and a sink of Hg in contaminated sediments,
has not been studied before. In this study we show that DOM enhances the release
of Hg from cinnabar, a solid with limited solubility (solubility product,
log Ksp = 52.4).
USGS WRD National Research Program Web Page
The URL of this page is: http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/SW_corrosion/cinnabar-poster/Intro.html
Created by:cgunther@usgs.gov
Last Updated: Tuesday 15 April 03