Data are available for samples collected in March 1995 and analyzed shortly thereafter. Surface water samples were collected at a single depth from 7 locations and at two depths at 3 locations. Photograph 1 illustrates a representative water sample collection at site U3 in Water Conservation Area 2A, Everglades Florida. Marsh pore-water samples were collected at several depths below the sediment water interface at 4 locations. Surface water samples were collected at each pore-water sampling location. Photograph 2 illustrates selected Everglades Study Site Locations superimposed on a composite map based on the Threshold Study Site Locations map of the South Florida Water Management District and a color satellite photograph taken during the spring of 1993. A replicate sample was collected to evaluate onsite-sampling variability. Distilled-water blank samples and standard reference water samples (SRWS) were submitted to the laboratory with the onsite samples and were analyzed concomitantly with them. Reference samples were processed using the same procedures as the onsite samples. For further information about the availability, call Michael M. Reddy (303) 541-3012
The data file consists of 34 variables. Variable names and codes established for sample description and identification are listed in table 1. Variable names for parameters measured onsite and in the laboratory are listed in table 2. Summary statistics for standard reference water samples and distilled-water blank samples are given in table 3.
Samples that had analytical results less than the detection limits of the selected methods are indicated in the data set by the less than symbol. The detection limits of quantification are listed in table 4. The full data set is given in table 5.