Chemical Modeling of Acid WatersAbandoned Mine Lands As part of interdepartmental and interdivisional collaborations, the U.S. Geological Survey has implemented an Abandoned Mine Lands Initiative to provide needed scientific information and technical assistance to federal land management agencies in support of remediation. The USGS Initiative is being conducted in two pilot watersheds, the Upper Animas River in Colorado, and the Boulder River in Montana. Contributions from this project include applications of rare earth element geochemistry, iron redox chemistry, stable and radioactive isotope geochemistry, and geochemical modeling applications. Upper Animas River Basin Abandoned Mine Lands Initiative Mast, M.A., Verplanck, P.L.,
Wright, W.G., and Bove, D.J., in press, Characterization of background water
quality in the Upper Animas River watershed, Chapter xx, in Church, S.E.,
von Guerard, P, and Finger, S.E., eds., Integrated Investigations of
Environmental Effects of Historical Mining in the Animas River Watershed, San
Juan County, Colorado, US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1651. |
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