Installation and Setup of the DOS Version

The self-extracting file PHRQCx-x.EXE (downloaded, obtained by anonymous ftp, or from a diskette), should be copied to a directory on the hard drive of the microcomputer where PHREEQC is to be set up and executed. To retain pre-designed sub-directories during extraction, type:

PHRQCx-x -D (where x-x is the version number)

at the DOS prompt for the hard drive. During extraction, the executable file (PHREEQC.EXE) and database files (PHREEQC.DAT, WATEQ4F.DAT, and MINTEQ.DAT) are extracted in the directory where PHRQCx-x.EXE was copied (here, C:\PHREEQC is used as an example). The source code is extracted in the sub-directory C:\PHREEQC\SRC. The Postscript and PDF documentation are extracted in the sub-directory C:\PHREEQC\DOC. The sub-directory C:\PHREEQC\EXAMPLES\ contains the files for each simulation described in the Examples section of this manual.

To run the examples in the EXAMPLES sub-directory, it will be necessary to copy the executable and data files (PHREEQC.EXE and PHREEQC.DAT) from the top-level directory into the EXAMPLES sub-directory. Then, PHREEQC can be invoked from this sub-directory with any of the following commands:

phreeqc (The program will query for each of the needed files.)

phreeqc input (The input file is named input, the output file will be named input.out and the default database file will be used.)

phreeqc input output (The input file is named input, the output file is named output, and the default database file will be used.)

phreeqc input output database (All file names are specified explicitly.)

Example 1 could be run with the command: phreeqc ex1. The results of the simulation then will be found in the file EX1.OUT.

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