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Dear Dr Parkhurst,

As my question comes from a very new beginner with Phreeqc
I was too shy to ask it to the mailing list.

I would like to model heavy metals behaviour in soils and groundwater.

Do you think realistic representing the unsaturated zone
by the gas-phase option and solid-solution?

The last assumption would imply that the fluid is in equilibrium with the
which may not be true if water flows fastly.

Do you have any idea?
thank you for your help


Celine Conan
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Soil and Waste Unit - TP 460
I-21020 ISPRA (Va) - ITALY
Tel : +39-03-32-78-90-79
Fax : +39-03-32-78-56-01

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