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Hi David:

I have a SOLUTION_SPREAD of about 20 samples for
which I would like to estimate the amount of dissolved aluminum.

I have computed a value (EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1;  Gibbsite  0 10)
for a single sample but, would like to know if there a way to repeat
this command for each sample (in the SOL_SPREAD)?  Or do I
have to SAVE each 'initial solution 1-20'?

Thank you for your consideration,



SOLUTION_SPREAD A-A Flowpath - Dominguez Gap - June02
    -pe        4
    -redox     O(0)/O(-2)
    -units     mg/L
    -density   1
    -water    1 # kg

number  description  temp pH O(0) Ca Mg K Na Li Cl F S(6) Si N(-3) N(5) Ba B Br Fe Mn Sr Alkalinity
          ug/L       ug/L ug/L  ug/L ug/L ug/L
1 Long Beach-2-1  27.5 8.4 0 6.75 1.47 2.42 143 12.3 20.9 0.7 0.3 22.6 1.41 0 6 546 0.2 100 12.4
66.8 315
2 Long Beach-2-2  24.5 8.2 0.2 12.9 1.62 2.13 89.7 4.7 19.8 0.4 2.2 23.6 0.744 0 7.1 200 0.07 20 18
129 200
3 Long Beach-2-3  24 8.4 0 12.4 1.27 1.56 73.5 7.2 22.3 0.6 27.2 21.2 0.378 0 3.8 141 0.06 20 13.6
74.3 142
4 Long Beach-2-4  23 8.1 0.8 35.1 3.99 2.97 60.1 7.5 28.8 0.4 46.3 23.8 0.195 0 18.1 96 0.1 0 23.4
318 142
5 Long Beach-2-5  21 7.5 0.6 149 21.4 5.05 107 6.5 97.1 0.2 257 27.4 0.217 0 82.9 254 0.8 80 148
1120 288
6 Long Beach-2-6  21 7.4 0.4 209 34.5 6.85 138 6.8 153 0.3 430 28.1 0.356 0 117 332 1.85 130 338
1600 308
7 Long Beach-3-1  22 8.4 0.1 11 3.47 3.81 156 8.5 18.5 0.5 1 20.2 2.47 0 8.7 372 0.07 30 18 120 380
8 Long Beach-3-2  23 8.4 0.2 15.9 2.73 2.5 61.5 4.6 18.8 0.4 25.3 22.6 0.323 0 10.1 138 0.09 0 10.8
191 138
9 Long Beach-3-3  23 8.3 0.4 17.9 3.24 2.71 55.8 5.1 24.8 0.4 0.2 23.8 0.361 0 12.8 132 0.09 0 11.3
226 150
10 Long Beach-3-4  22.5 7.8 2.6 88.8 24 6.24 72.9 11.2 213 0.3 57.9 28.6 0.406 0 31.3 109 1.96 0 102
962 130
11 Long Beach-3-5  22 7.6 0.2 238 57.3 7.84 98.6 12.7 619 0.2 62.7 23.7 0.557 0 109 110 6.5 120 284
2530 140
12 Long Beach-4-1c  23 8.2 0 9.57 4.63 5.78 259 26.5 21.4 1.1 3.6 28.1 2.38 0 14.9 1100 0.08 190
32.5 134 475
13 Long Beach-4-2c  24 8.2 0 6.55 7.18 10.8 422 23.3 337 0.5 1.4 35.3 2.83 0 17.2 1150 1.96 40 15.4
97.5 581
14 Long Beach-5-1f  22.8 7.8 0 17 30 26 1500 180 1600 0.4 0.7 41 10.5 0 130 8400 4.8 430 56 730 1200

15 Long Beach-5-2f  21.5 7.1 0 519 1220 272 10800 159 19900 0.4 2640 14.5 7.86 0 82 4130 36.1 7380
3240 8500 290
16 370-U  20.6 8.2 0 52.6 10.9 4.1 127 0 196 0.3 26.5 19.6 0 0 13.1 130 1.12 0 10.8 441 140
17 370-V  19.4 7.6 0 168 142 23.8 1020 0 2140 0.3 250 13.1 0 0 238 482 6.92 0 204 2270 230
18 371-D  23.9 8.7 0 6.42 1.41 3.41 89.3 0 41.9 0.3 0.01 14.5 0 0 3.2 149 0.14 10 1.5 53.2 170
19 889-P  23.4 8.3 0 29.2 5.59 3.53 109 0 107 0.3 0.2 23.3 0 0 6.1 312 0.5 0 0 310 190

    Gibbsite  0 10

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