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RE: Interactive PHREEQC

Mr. Parkhurst -

Had a question regarding exchange species that I hope you can help me with.

Was wondering if PHREEQC will predict anion exchange.  I wanted to try a
hypothetical ion exchanger utilizing bicarbonate or chloride, but obtained
numerous error messages.  (Please see attached input/output files.)

The problem is that for Tc, 99.9 percent of it occurs in solution as TcO4-.
Now I don't expect appreciable anion exchange, but is there a way to model
it, or is it just completely unfavorable.

I can calculate exchange compositions for cation species, but the solution
concentrations of those species are so small proportionately to begin with,
that I'm not sure it is meaningful and/or representative.

Please feel free to contact me by email or phone.

Thank you very much for any help you could be.

Paul Dean


Attachment: PhrqcTc.AnionExchange.pqi
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PhrqcTc.AnionExchange.pqo
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PhrqcTc.CationExchange1.pqi
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PhrqcTc.CationExchange1.pqo
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PhrqcTc.CationExchange2.pqi
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PhrqcTc.CationExchange2.pqo
Description: Binary data

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