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phreeqc question

Hi David.

Margaret here again, from CSM.  I'm still struggling with making 
biodegradation work in phreeqc.  The decay equation I'm using is 
benzene(final) = benzene(initial)*e^(-rate*time).  I'm not sure what "TOT" 
means (total moles of benzene in the system, moles of aqueous benzene?) and 
what the term "moles" represents and how it is recycled in the transport 
function.  The way I have the RATES block set up, biodegradation is occurring 
to some extent.  However, the 1/2 life for benzene is a fraction of a day, so 
after the first time step (3 years), no benzene should exist and yet it does.

I've included my input deck and database.  If there's some obvious problem, 
can you let me know?  If not, do you have any free time this week when we 
could meet for perhaps an hour and discuss the intricacies of phreeqc?  My 
schedule is open except for Thursday morning and Friday after 3:00 pm.

I really appreciate all your help!!  Once I get over this hump, I'll feel 
very positive about finishing up my thesis.

Thanks again.
Margaret Dodds

Attachment: movewithrate11.ZIP
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