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Re: Phreeqc Users Group Forum?

I have considered starting a discussion group, but haven't wanted to invest
the time. In the long run it would be advantageous to me to have a
centralized collection of discussion topics. I maintained the FAQ for a
while, but that was a stop-gap measure and fairly time consuming.

Another project maintains a discussion forum with perl scripts called
WWWBoard. I may look into it this summer.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

Project web page: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled

                      "Steve Short"                                                                         
                      <steve@xxxxxxxxxx        To:       "David Parkhurst" <dlpark@xxxxxxxx>                
                      rs.com.au>               cc:                                                          
In-Reply-To: <000001c2d6d7$67c6a6e0$3ae43c3f@xxxxxxxx>
                                               Subject:  Phreeqc Users Group Forum?                         
                      02/17/03 03:53 PM                                                                     
                      Please respond to                                                                     

Hi David

Is there a Phreeqc Users Group Forum?

As someone who is using/attemting to apply Phreeqc very frequently in
industry problem solving, I find that I am accumulating a significant
number of practical questions regarding it's application, especially in
formulating correct/optimal input files, errors in/problems with the
various databases etc etc.

For example, I am currently working on (a)  formulating innovative
biogeochemical ('green engineering') treatment methods (As, heavy metal
removal etc) for mine water drainage and (b) scoping scaling and
biofouling issues in Aquifer Storage and recovery projects.

Although Phreeqc is a fantastic tool (in fact the only one flexible
enough to tackle these sorts of approaches) I think that there would be
a lot to be gained by such a Group.



Dr Steve Short
Ecoengineers Pty Ltd
Tel: (61) 2 42944652
Fax: (61) 2 42941948
Mobile: (61) 0410 560766

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The URL of this page is: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/phreeqc/mail/msg00143.html
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