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an interesting water

Hi Dave,

I ran this file through PHREEQC to get a CO2 number. I wanted to plot the
water on a Phase diagram which uses pCO2 , to find out if We are in the
calcite or the dolomite field. at 25 deg the file was not converging, then
I realized that the field temperature was 15 degs C. It runs at 15 and at
every temperature up to and including 20. At 21 degrees it no longer
converges. I thought this was curious. I am wondering if increasing the
allowable iterations will allow convergence. Or do I recalculate the phase
diagram for 15 deg C?

The sample is from groundwater in a slag fill deposit in Indiana.


(See attached file: slag.in)

Attachment: slag.in
Description: Binary data

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