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Re: New database, new versions of PHREEQC and PhreeqcI

Dr. Parkhurst

I'm a new user of PHREEQC and I had been
carrying around a couple questions that your e-mail
stimulated.  Here goes:

As I (and my students) read the manual, there are
two possible boundary conditions for the end
of the domain: 1) constant concetration, or
2) constant flux (3rd type).  My student was unable
to implement the zero derivative condition.

My experience with interpreting column experiments
has led me to adopt either a zero-derivative or semi-infinite
condition for the exit (domain end).  Certainly, a constant
concentration or constant flux is not applicable to most
common experimental conditions.  It seems like it would
be straightforward to implement the other conditions.

Am I misunderstanding something here?

Alan Rabideau

Alan J. Rabideau
Associate Professor
Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering
State University of New York at Buffalo
207 Jarvis Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-4300
voice: 716-645-2114 x 2327  fax: 716-645-3667
e-mail: rabideau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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