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Re: Pyrite oxidation

I haven't worked in AMD environments in a while, so I don't have any
current pyrite oxidation examples. The manual does have a Fe+2 oxidation
example and there is a rate expression for pyrite oxidation in phreeqc.dat.

Sorry I'm not much help here. You may want to contact Tony Appelo
(appt@xxxxxxxxx), who may have something more current.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

                      "Milo Simonic"                                                                                              
                      <milo.simonic@xx         To:      "D L Parkhurst" <dlpark@xxxxxxxx>                                         
                      on.co.za>                cc:                                                                                
In-Reply-To: <NEBBKPPHODCGHICIOHNLCEGKCAAA.milo.simonic@xxxxxxxxxx>
                                               Subject: Pyrite oxidation                                                          
                      01/08/01 06:28                                                                                              

Dear Dr Parkhurst,

PHREEQC2 offers exciting opportunity to conduct kinetic modelling. Working
with tailings on gold mines and discard dumps on coal mines one of the
problems encountered is pyrite oxidation. I'd like to gather some example
files which deal with kinetic pyrite oxidation (in PHREEQC2) in two
principal scenarios:

- pyrite oxidation under unsaturated conditions with oxygen flow/diffusion
(e.g. in discard heaps)

- pyrite oxidation under flooding conditions of previoulsy mined space
what happens when a mine ceases its operation and is flooded)

Would you happen to have some albeit fragmentary examples that I could
develop into real-life simulations? Your advice or suggestions will be
highly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Milo Simonic
Hydromedia Solutions (Pty) Ltd
Pretoria, South Africa

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