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question about phreeqc

Dr. Parkhurst-

I am an ecologist at a small non-profit research institute based near
Seattle called 10,000 Years Institute.  I am working with a group of
environmentalists, students, scientists and a Peace Corp volunteer to
develop a proposal to deal with some major environmental impacts of mining
in Mongolia, just south of central Siberia.  I have heard about the phreeqc
model from a colleague who works on mining issues here in the US quite a
bit (Houston Kempton).  He suggested I contact you with questions.  

I am not a geochemist, and I am aware that I would not be able to apply
phreeqc without one on the project.  At the moment, I am only interested in
whether the model is appropriate for the application I have in mind:  I
want to identify a geochemical ?signature? from a mining operation on a
river, whereby I can monitor water chemistry downstream, and say whether
the releases from such-and-such a mine continue to be measureable at
increasing distances from the mine itself.  Part of the concern is that the
mines are in Mongolia, and the stream runs into Russia, but also that the
impact of the mines my be far-reaching geographically.

The area we want to work in is a watershed with many mines located right on
the streams.  Most of the mines are placer mines, not cyanide mines, so
there may be no major chemical transformations to look for, just the
chemistry of the mined soils as they are suspended by the stream.   If you
think quantification of downstream extent of mining impact on water quality
is an appropriate application of the model, let me know.  If its not and
there is another tool, please help steer me in the right direction.  If
there?s no way to do what I want, please just set me straight.  I am trying
to develop a budget for the project, so I will also soon be interested in
what kind of data set is needed to apply the model (if it is appropriate),
and possible co-investigators who could lead this element of the work.

Thanks.  Let me know if it would be ok to give you a call, or call me at
206 780 3433 for any clarification.
Jennifer Sampson

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The URL of this page is: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/phreeqc/mail/msg00203.html
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