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Hello from Seattle.
We are teaching Environmental Chemical Modeling at UW again this year and
featuring PHREEQC again. I'm wondering how you would go about setting up a
sequential redox problem where you have some initial concentrations of O2,
NO3, MnO2, FeOOH, SO4 and organic matter as Solution 1 and you let the
organic matter react sequentially with O2, NO3, MnO2, FeOOH and SO4. Then
you would follow with reaction progress the concentrations of the O2, NO3,
Mn2+, Fe2+ SO4, HS- and possibly CH4. You could also follow pe with
reaction progress. This sequence come up all the time in sediments and
groundwater and you must have done something like this already.

Best wishes, Jim Murray

James W. Murray                              Phone (206) 543-4730
School of Oceanography                       Fax   (206) 685-3351
Box 357940                                   jmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University of Washington                  Room 413 Ocean Sciences Building
Seattle WA 98195-7940                           :)
Home Page: http://www.ocean.washington.edu/people/faculty/jmurray/jwmhome.html

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