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Editing PHREEQC databases (fwd)


Can you help with answering this question?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 16:01:58 -0400
From: Carol Stein and Dave McTigue <mctigue@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Ken Stollenwerk <kgstolle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Editing PHREEQC databases

Ken ?

My apologies for bugging you about this, but I am having problems
editing the PHREEQC database and the User?s Manual doesn?t offer any
information.  Two problems that I?ve encountered:

1)  I changed the equilibrium constant for Hfo_wH2AsO3 in Wateq4f and
saved the edited version to a different file name, as a ?formatted text
(space delimited)? file.  No other format seems to run.  What is the
format of the original file?  I noticed that the edited version is about
50% bigger.

2)  When I changed the equilibrium constant back to what it was in the
original version (for Hfo_wH2AsO3, the value is 5.41) and run the same
input file, I get a different result than when I used the original
(unedited) database?.  Any ideas as to why this is happening?!?

I don?t know if any of this makes any sense to you, or if you?ve
encountered similar problems ? but I?d be tremendously grateful for any
advice regarding editing the databases.  If it's more efficient to talk
about this, please suggest a date and time and I'll give you a call.

Thanks so much,

Carol Stein

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