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Re: Editing PHREEQC databases (fwd)

David ---

Many thanks for your prompt and thorough response --- and my sincere
apologies for the comment about the PHREEQC database!!!  I only meant
that I couldn't find any information that directly addressed my problems
with editing the database!  Your advice is greatly appreciated.  I would
like to take this opportunity to let you know that I have been a PHREEQC
user for about 3 weeks now, having switched from using MINTEQ...
Although the learning curve for PHREEQC is somewhat daunting, I am very
pleased with the code and am very glad that I decided to change.  In all
ways, a great improvement!!  The FAQs (from the Web site) are also
extremely helpful, and I refer to them frequently.

I contacted Ken Stollenwerk because we are both working on arsenic, and
he too has been really helpful.  My sincere thanks to you both for your

With gratitude,

Carol Stein
Gannett Fleming, Inc.

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