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Re: just a question


Is there any information you can give this person?  Or should we tell him
we can't help him?


                                               To:      h2osoft@xxxxxxxx                                             
                      05/28/01 04:11           cc:                                                                   
                      PM                       Subject: just a question                                              

 Hello. I have a question. May be you could help me and I´d be very pleased
for that.

I´d need employ the EQ3/6 code for modeling the interaction
groundwater-rock in a christaline masif. What termodinamic data base should
be good for modelling, due to the one used up to now DATA0-V7-COM-R22
dispose of a little amount of data for aqueous complex formation, not
enought for my pretensions. This data base should have to be compliance
with SUPCRT (SPRONS98). Do you know any one accessible from internet?
Thank you very much and best regards.

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