I'm sorry, but I still do not know what your problem is. "Unreasonable" pH can be caused by the program not making the calculations correctly or the problem specification generating reactions that you do not expect or recognize. I do not see any reason to think that the program is making the calculations incorrectly; until you show me otherwise, I am assuming it is in your problem definition. If you can show me specific changes in surface species that do not follow mass-action equations, or have mass-balance or charge-balance errors, I will try to figure out the problem, but I need to know what I am looking for. Please try to be as specific as possible and simplify the input files as much as possible. If results are the same without SURFACE, it seems that EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES must be dominating the reactions. Perhaps you should run some batch reactions and look carfully at what the initial solution, surface, equilibrium_phases compositions in the column are and what happens when the minerals react with the infilling solution. Meanwhile, I have some comments on your input file as noted by "## dlp" below. David TITLE with help of Example 11.--Transport and ion exchange. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##### Sandmodell #### SURFACE_MASTER_SPECIES Sand_w Sand_wOH ##dlp, you appear to be using PhreeqcI 1.03. A new version of PhreeqcI version 2 has just been posted ##dlp, PhreeqcI version 1.03 uses PHREEQC version 1.6, which is no longer supported. SURFACE_SPECIES 1 # Do not change this number it is used by the program! Sand_wOH = Sand_wOH log_k 0.0 Sand_wOH + H+ = Sand_wOH2+ log_k 4.5 #log_k 7.29 # = pKa1,int Sand_wOH = Sand_wO- + H+ log_k -7.2 #log_k -8.93 # = -pKa2,int # Calcium Sand_wOH + Ca+2 = Sand_wOHCa+2 log_k 7 #log_k -5.85 # Magnesium abgeschaltet # Sand_wOH + Mg+2 = Sand_wOHMg+2 # log_k 7 # Eisen(2) Sand_wOH + Fe+2 = Sand_wOHFe+2 log_k 7 # Natrium abgeschaltet # Sand_wOH + Na+ = Sand_wONa + H+ # log_k -6.6 # Sulfate Sand_wOH + SO4-2 + H+ = Sand_wSO4- + H2O log_k 5 #7.78 mit Protonierung Sand_wOH + SO4-2 = Sand_wOHSO4-2 log_k -2 PHASES 1 # Do not change this number it is used by the program! JarositeH 337 (H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6 + 5H+ = 3Fe+3 + 2SO4-2 + 7H2O log_k -5.390 delta_h -55.150 kcal SOLUTION 0 units mg/l temp 12.7 pH 6.14 pe 4.594 redox Fe(2)/Fe(3) #{Redoxsystem} density 1.000 O(0) 0.11 Na 50.4 K 91.25 Mg 3.51 Ca 390.0 Alkalinity 101.0 as HCO3 #Ks,mess4,3*61=101 Cl 23.0 S(6) 1096.0 as SO4 charge N(5) 0.022 #{Nitrat-Stickstoff:14/62*NO3} # analyse <0.1 N(3) 0.03 #{Nitrit-Stickstoff14/46*NO2} # analyse <0.1 N(-3) 1.03 #{Ammonium-Stickstoff:14/18*NH4} # Amm 1.32 as AmmH+ #{Ammonium konservativ} P 0.59 Si 7.38 Al 0.3 #analyse<0.3 Mn 0.74 Fe(2) 48.8 #Siderite 0.0 Fe(3) 3.5 #Fe(OH)3(a) 0.0 PRINT -sa false -sp false END SURFACE 0 -equil solution 0 Sand_wOH 0.01 0.05 1000 # sites Mol m2/g Masse/g ##dlp SAVE has no effect unless there is a batch-reaction calculation, in this case there is only an initial surface calculation. ##dlp a batch-reaction calculation must have a solution (or mixture) defined either by ##dlp SOLUTION, MIX, or USE, plus another reactant(s) EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES, EXCHANGE, SURFACE, etc (or USE one of these) ##dlp neither SAVE surface or SAVE equilibrium phases have any effect here SAVE SURFACE 0 SAVE EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 0 KNOBS -i 1000 PRINT -sa false -sp false END #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TITLE 1964 USE SOLUTION 0 USE SURFACE 0 ##dlp SAVE surface saves reults of SOLUTION 0 equilibrated with SURFACE 0, however, ## dlp the previous simulation defined SURFACE 0 to be in equilibrium with SOLUTION 0, ## dlp so the batch-reaction calculation puts SOLUTION 0 and SURFACE 0 together, but ## dlp calculates no change in composition of either the solution or the surface. SAVE SOLUTION 0 #dlp You did not specify EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES in this batch-reaction, so there is no #dlp EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES phase assemblage to save. SAVE EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 0 SAVE SURFACE 0 END #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #SOLUTION 1-20 Initial solution for column TITLE Pore SOLUTION 1-20 units mg/l temp 13.0 pH 5.51 pe 5.278 redox Fe(2)/Fe(3) #{Redoxsystem} density 1.000 O(0) 0.13 Na 36.88 K 6.35 Mg 43.4 Ca 429.0 Alkalinity 64.0 as HCO3 # 64.0=KS*61 Cl 9.35 S(6) 1329.0 as SO4 charge N(5) 0.022 #{Nitrat-Stickstoff:14/62*NO3} N(3) 0.03 #{Nitrit-Stickstoff14/46*NO2} N(-3) 5.89 #{Ammonium-Stickstoff:14/18*NH4} # Amm 7.57 as AmmH+ #{Ammonium konservativ} P 0.09 Si 17.8 Al 0.3 Mn 2.69 Fe(2) 225.0 #Siderite 0.0 Fe(3) 34.0 #Fe(OH)3(a) 0.0 #EXCHANGE 1-20 # equilibrate 1 # X 0.0011 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1-20 Pyrite 2.0 0.050 #FeS2 Calcite -2.1 0.0 #CaCO3 Siderite -0.13 0.0 #FeCO3 Gypsum -0.12 0.05 #CaSO4:2H2O Fe(OH)3(a) 3.5 0.05 Gibbsite 1.26 0.05 #Al(OH)3 PRINT -sa false -sp false ##dlp This simulation defines a solution for cells 1-20 and equilibrium phases for cells 1-20. ##dlp It also specifies a batch-reaction calculation putting SOLUTION 1 and EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 ##dlp together and equilibrating. However, the result of this calculation is not saved, so the equilibrated ##dlp solution is lost. I would use the following: ##dlp SOLUTION 1 ##dlp EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 ##dlp SAVE solution 1-20 ##dlp SAVE equilibrium_phases 1-20 END ##dlp Because the SAVE follows the END, it has no effect on the calculation that precedes the END ##dlp As before, no solution or mixture is defined in this simulation, so no batch-reaction calculation ##dlp is made, hence SAVE has no effect. SAVE SOLUTION 1-20 SURFACE 1-20 ########### Oberflächendefinition ############# #dlp the following should be "-equil solution 1", not "1-20" -equil solution 1-20 Sand_wOH 0.01 0.05 1000 SAVE SURFACE 1-20 USE SURFACE none ##dlp SAVE equilibrium_phases has no effect unless EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES is defined in a batch-reaction ##dlp calculation. SAVE EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1-20 END #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##dlp USE is not used for transport calculation, only for batch-reaction calculations USE SOLUTION 0 TRANSPORT -cells 20 -length 20*100.0 -shifts 20 -time_step 3.57e7 # dt=length/velocity, vel=2.8*e-6 -flow_direction forward -boundary_cond flux flux # erste und letzte Zelle RB 3.Art -diffc 0.0e-9 -dispersivity 20*0.02 # in Meter -correct_disp true -punch 1-20 -punch_frequency 1 -print 20 -print_frequency 20 SELECTED_OUTPUT -file 19646008trn.sel -reset false -soln -distance -time -step -pH -pe -alkalinity ##dlp Alkalinity is not defined for -totals -totals O(0) Na K Mg Ca Alkalinity Cl S(6) N(5) N(3) N(-3) P Si Al Mn Fe(2) Fe(3) USER_PUNCH -heading SO4 Cl Na Fe+2 Fe+3 K Mg Ca NH4 P Si Al Mn Alk 10 PUNCH TOT("S(6)")*81360 TOT("Cl")*35450 TOT("Na")*22989 TOT("Fe(2)") *55850 TOT("Fe(3)")*55850 TOT("K")*39100 TOT("Mg")*24310 TOT("Ca")*40080 TOT("N(-3)")*14007 TOT("P")*30970 TOT("Si")*60080 TOT("Al")*26980 TOT("Mn") *54940 TOT ("Alk")*61 ##dlp In the previous statement, you should use ALK, not TOT("Alk") END ##dlp extra END END David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx) U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046, MS 413 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225
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