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database recognition

Hello Dr. Parkhurst

I am trying to create my own database by modifying the existing Minteq.dat.
I have added a new surface species trying to mimic the complexation of
cationic metals with humic or fulvic acids and I have not added or altered
anything else in the database.  When I hit RUN, the program comes back with
this error as seen in my output file:

DATABASE C:\Program Files\USGS\Phreeqc Interactive 2.4.2 Alpha\adrHAone.dat
ERROR: DATABASE must be the first keyword in the input file.
     TITLE Fulvic acids.--Cu complexation with Fulvics using WHAM constants
          Fulvic_cOH = Fulvic_cOH
             log_k 0.0
          Fulvic_pOH = Fulvic_pOH
             log_k 0.0
          Fulvic_pOH = Fulvic_pO- + H+
             log_k   -9.64
          Fulvic_cOH = Fulvic_cO- + H+
             log_k   -4.02
          Fulvic_cOH  + Cu+2 = Fulvic_cOCu+ + H+
             log_k   -1.5
          Fulvic_pOH  + Cu+2 = Fulvic_pOCu+ + H+
             log_k   -0.8
     SURFACE 1
          Fulvic_cOH  0.0033 600    0.01
          Fulvic_pOH  0.0017
         diffuse_layer 1e-008

This is my surface master species as it is in the database:

        Hfo_s  Hfo_sOH
        Hfo_w  Hfo_wOH
       Fulvic_c   Fulvic_cOH
       Fulvic_p   Fulvic_pOH

I do not see where I am going astray.  I think that I have all of the
necessary keywords and master species and I have tried changing the
database name but nothing seems to work.  Do you know how I can fix this

Thank you
Aaron Redman

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