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AW: Free ions in mineral waters


here's a little suggestion: I had some problems with calling PHREEQC from
Zope, as one can give error_file as argv[4], but NOT the log_file from
below, which is hard-coded to CURRENT_DIR/phreeqc.log giving access

My quick'n'dirty solution was to change that to "/tmp/phreeqc.log" and make.
Not really cool, but OK.

Basically, why have 2 logs ? And if so, why not make the second one
an argv[5]?

Greets, Tobias

L227, main.c

 *   Open file for errors
        if ((log_file = fopen("phreeqc.log","w")) == NULL) {
                error_msg ("Can't open log file, phreeqc.log.", STOP);

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