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New Phreeqci (interface)

----- Forwarded by Scott R Charlton/WRD/USGS/DOI on 09/06/2001 09:44 AM
|         |           "Kavita Gosavi" |
|         |           <kavitagosavi@xx|
|         |           tmail.com>      |
|         |                           |
|         |           09/05/2001 05:29|
|         |           PM              |
|         |                           |
  |                                                                                                                       |
  |        To:      charlton@xxxxxxxx                                                                                     |
  |        cc:                                                                                                            |
  |        Subject: New Phreeqci (interface)                                                                              |

Hello Scott,

My name is Kavita and I am presently finishing off my PhD in geochemistry.
downloaded the new phreeqci graphical interface and ran a test example
through. When compared to the results i got from running the same example
through wateq4f and netpath, i came upon some unusual errors. Firstly the
charge balance, or percent error, was off by more then 8%. As well, there
seemed be some errors in carbonate speciation(about 10x smaller). This then

affected the IAP's of the calulated phases (mostly related to carbonate).
With wateq4f and netpath bicarbonate is entered, however using the
it looks like you enter carbonate concentrations. What confuses me is that
when the input appears C(4) notation is used, which I thought was for
bicarbonate. Am i missing something? I entered by bicarbonate
and got errors, should i be entering carbonate concentrations?

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