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One question about PHREEQC, Bonn

PHREEQC was not really designed to generate entire Eh-pH diagrams. It is a
reaction model and it can be used to make Eh-pH diagrams, but it is not
easy. Example 8 in the manual shows a way to generate fixed pH points on a
diagram, a similar definition of fix_e- could be used to adjust pe, and
they could be used simultaneously to scan across a diagram. So you can
probably get what you want, but it could be a lot of work.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

                      Michele Y Crouse                                                                                             
                                               To:      David L Parkhurst/WRD/USGS/DOI@xxxx                                        
                      09/07/01 10:13           cc:      gs-w_h2osoft@xxxxxxxx                                                      
In-Reply-To: <OFFFE31DAD.D8E5825E-ON85256AC0.005E88AB@xxxxxxxx>
                      AM                       Subject:                                                                            

----- Forwarded by Michele Y Crouse/WRD/USGS/DOI on 09/07/01 01:12 p.m.
                      Anissimova"               To:      <h2osoft@xxxxxxxx>                                                         
                      <anissimo@xxxxxxx         cc:                                                                                 
In-Reply-To: <OFFFE31DAD.D8E5825E-ON85256AC0.005E88AB@xxxxxxxx>
                      ni-bonn.de>               Subject: One question about PHREEQC, Bonn                                           
                      09/07/01 08:49                                                                                                

Dear Sirs,

We  work at the Institute of Soil Science, University of Bonn, and we try
to use the Phreeqc Interactive 2.4.2 Alpha to make Eh-pH diagrams, but,
unfortunatelly, it is not successful, because we have never used it before
und have not some example to verify our steps. Possibly, we can not
understand some options or steps correctly.
Could you please inform us, is this program suitable  for Eh-pH diagrams
and how we can find (if possible) some explanation or example to make this

Thank you very much,
Sincerely Yours,

Marina Anissimova
Dr. Marina A. Anissimova
Department of Soil Science
University of Bonn
Nussallee 13
D-53115 Bonn, Germany
Tel: +49 (228) -732779
Fax: +49 (228) -732782
E-mail: anissimo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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