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Use of Programming for Aqueous GeoChemical Modeling/Phreeqc

----- Forwarded by Michele Y Crouse/WRD/USGS/DOI on 10/02/01 11:57 a.m.
                      "Gamble, S. -                                                           
                      Carlsbad R & D"          To:      h2osoft@xxxxxxxx                      
                      <sagamble@xxxxxx         cc:                                            
                      bal.com>                 Subject: Use of Programming for Aqueous        
                                               GeoChemical Modeling/Phreeqc                   
                      10/02/01 11:15                                                          

I have a need to learn and apply phase chemistry and mass balances to the
system K, Mg, Na, Cl, SO4, H2O at various temperatures and various %
Saturation's for KCl & NaCl. This includes evaporation schemes to recover
salts from brines. At weaker concentrations I may need to be concerned with
Ca, but most of the work will be done at concentrations where Ca is
essentially insoluble.

I have experience in simple systems like K-Na-Cl-H2O but the above complex
system I have difficulty with. With my limited knowledge I believe the
fields I will have interested in will be glaserite(aphthitalite),
schoenite(picromerite), leonite, kainite, and carnallite in addition to the
KCl and NaCl. Will Web-Phreeqc or another commercial version do this work?

Steve Gamble
IMC Potash Carlsbad Inc.
1361 Potash Mines Rd
PO Box 71
Carlsbad, NM 88220
ph 505-887-2871 ext 298
fx 505-887-0589
Monday-Friday 7am-3pm MST

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