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Title: Pergamena2
Dear Dr Parkhurst,
I have simulated dissolution of dolomite by a pure water with initial logPCO2 = -1 in a CO2-closed system. As a mineralogical control I used SI(calcite) = 0. I expect that Mg and Ca increase in solution during congruent dissolution of dolomite, mantaining a molar ratio of 1, and when the equilibrium with calcite is achieved Ca does not vary anymore whereas Mg keeps on increasing. On the contrary, I observe that when SI(calcite) = 0 is attained Ca begins decreasing. Why? Which is the real process occurring in nature.
Thank you for your attention.
Franco Frau
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Via Trentino 51
I-09127 Cagliari - Italy
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