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Dear Prof. Parkhurst,
My name is Cheryl from the University of New South Wales, Australia. I'm doing a PhD on the investigation of the mechanism of heavy metal leaching from different wastes. I'm currently trying to model my results using PHREEQC. However, noone here knows how to use it nor that I have much background in programming. I wonder if you can help me.
I've tried to set up a PHREEQC input file. This is attached in this email. Some of the data and formulae that I put in the file are not right. I just want them to work first, which hasn't been the case yet. I defined the phases that I need using the PHASES keyword. I plan to have model my cement system using SOLID_
SOLUTION. This cement consists of:
Leadhydroxide 2.3 moles/kg of cement
Calciumhydroxide 4.97
Aluminiumhydroxide 0.04
Ferrichydroxide 0.03
Magnesiumhydroxide 0.02
CaO(x)SiO2(y)H2O(1-x-y) 1.42 (Calcium silicate)
CaO(x)Al2O3(y)H2O(1-x-y) 0.22 (Calcium aluminate)
CaO(x)Al2O3(y)Fe2O3(z)H2O(1-x-y-z) 0.10
I'm not sure if I can use SOLID_SOLUTION for a solid like cement. I actually defined the calcium silicate and calcium aluminate in the SOLID_SOLUTION as well as I plan to use it when I define the cement. Can I actually do that?
My problem so far has been to define the SiO2 phase and other phases (the calcium silicate and aluminate species). If I want to define a PHASE, as I understand, I have to put a dissolution reaction. However, SiO2 does not dissociate forming Si+4 ion like Pb does (Pb(OH)2 = Pb+2 + 2OH-).
SiO2 reacts with H2O forming H4SiO4, which is present in the PHREEQC database.
Can you suggest me with anything here?
In addition, I can't also define the dissolution reaction for other oxides, e.g. CaO. CaO will just react with water forming Ca(OH)2, which will dissociate forming Ca+2 + 2OH-. How do I go about this?

When I have finished defining the SOLID_SOLUTION, I plan to mix the cement with acetic acid. The H+ from the acid will react with the Ca(OH)2, releasing heavy metals from the cement to the leachate. I have no idea how to approach this, but I will also try to think about this after I figure out the formation of the cement in the SOLID_SOLUTION.

Thank you very much for your attention. I hope you can suggest me with something.

With kind regards,

TITLE Kinetic of leaching of Pb from cement

Ac	    Ac-	        0.0	60.00		60.00
Cd(2)    Cd+2		   0.0	112.4
Pb(2)    Pb+2		   0.0	207.19
Si	    H4SiO4		   0.0	SiO2		28.0843
Ca	    Ca+2		   0.0	Ca		40.08	
#Acetic acid
Ac- = Ac-
        log_k   0.0;    		-gamma  1e7   0.0
Ac- + H2O = HAc + OH- 
        log_k   4.75;   		-gamma  1e7   0.0
#Lead species
Pb+2 = Pb+2
        log_k   0.0;    		-gamma  1e7   0.0	
Pb+2 + H2O = Pb(OH)+ + H+
        log_k   -7.71;    		-gamma  1e7   0.0
Pb+2 + 2H2O = Pb(OH)2 + 2H+
        log_k   -17.12;    	-gamma  1e7   0.0
Pb+2 + 3H2O = Pb(OH)3- + 3H+
        log_k   -28.06;    	-gamma  1e7   0.0
2Pb+2 + H2O = Pb2(OH)+3 + H+
        log_k   -6.36;    		-gamma  1e7   0.0
4Pb+2 + 4H2O = Pb4(OH)4+4 + 4H+
        log_k   -20.88;    	-gamma  1e7   0.0
6Pb+2 + 8H2O = Pb6(OH)8+4 + 8H+
        log_k   -43.61;    	-gamma  1e7   0.0
#Silicate species
H4SiO4 + H2O = H3SiO4- + H+ + H2O
        log_k   -9.9;    		-gamma  1e7   0.0
H3SiO4- + H2O = H2SiO4-2 + H+ + H2O
        log_k   -9.9;    		-gamma  1e7   0.0
CO2 + 2H2O = HCO3- + H+ + H2O
        log_k   -13.31;    	-gamma  1e7   0.0
HCO3- + H2O = CO3-2 + H+ + H2O
        log_k   -6.4;    		-gamma  1e7   0.0

        Ca(OH)2 = Ca+2 + 2OH-
        log_k   -5.3
        Pb(OH)2 = Pb+2 + 2OH-
        log_k   -19.84
        Al(OH)3 = Al+3 + 3OH-
        log_k   -33.52
        Fe(OH)3 = Fe+3 + 3OH-
        log_k   -38.55
        Mg(OH)2 = Mg+2 + 2OH-
        log_k   -11.2
	   CaCO3 = Ca+2 + CO3-2
	   log_k	-10.3
	SiO2 + 2 H2O = H4SiO4
	log_k	-2.71
	delta_h  3.340 kcal
	-analytic	-0.26	0.0	-731.0
	SiO2 + 2 H2O = H4SiO4
	log_k	-3.55
	delta_h  4.720 kcal
	-analytic	-0.09	0.0	-1032.0
	SiO2 + 2 H2O = H4SiO4
	log_k	-3.98
	delta_h  5.990 kcal
	-analytic	0.41	0.0	-1309.0
	H2O = OH- + H+
	log_k	-14.0
	delta_h 13.362	kcal
	-analytic	-283.971	-0.05069842	13323.0	102.24447	-1119669.0
	CaO + H2O = Ca+2 + 2OH-
	log_k	-4
	Al2O3 + 3H2O = 2Al+3 + 6OH-
	log_k	-4
	Fe2O3 + 3H2O = 2Fe+3 + 6OH-
	log_k	-4
SOLUTION 0 #0.1 mol/L Acetic acid
        units mol/l
	   pH  2.88
        Ac  0.1
			-comp		CaO				3
			-comp		SiO2				2
			-comp		H2O				3
			-comp		CaO				4
			-comp		Al2O3				1
			-comp		H2O				1
			-comp		CaO				4
			-comp		Al2O3				1
			-comp		Fe2O3				1
			-comp		H2O				1

SOLID_SOLUTIONS 4 Cement containing Pb
			-comp		Leadhydroxide		2.3
			-comp		Calciumhydroxide	4.97
			-comp		Aluminiumhydroxide	0.04
			-comp		Ferrichydroxide		0.03
			-comp		Magnesiumhydroxide	0.02
			-comp		CaO(x)SiO2(y)H2O(1-x-y)			1.42
			-comp		CaO(x)Al2O3(y)H2O(1-x-y)			0.22
			-comp		CaO(x)Al2O3(y)Fe2O3(z)H2O(1-x-y-z)		0.10
			-comp		Calciumcarbonate	0	
10  moles = (-128.67 * Ca + 244216) * TIME
200 SAVE moles
        -file kineticPbcement.sel
        -reset false
-headings time Ca pH
10 PUNCH TOTAL_TIME/3600, TOT("Ca"), -LA("H+")
        -Formula  Ac  -2.0   Ca  1.0
        -steps 1 3 6 9 12 15 18 
	   -step_divide 1e-7

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