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Re: Aqueous species oscillations within transport calculation

Dear David
Just a short to note to say thanks you for replying so quickly and
comprehensively.  I'll carry out your comments as suggested.  

A couple of answers:
Yes, flow rate is slow and the the experimental data was collected over
five years, but I've run the model for much longer than that to allow
Solution 0 to flush through the system to reach a state of no further
mineralogical and pH  changes. (The experimental data suggests this over
the five year timescale, so we've yet to get the timings correct, but
this is a good place to start.)

Yes, we have been thinking about the redox conditions and I've run one
calc with no Fe present, and also one with fixed pE, to overcome the
changing redox conditions.

Thanks again for your comments. They are really useful!

Best regards
Fiona Hunter

Dr Fiona Hunter    MRSC
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