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Databases PhreeqC

Dear Mr. Parkhurst, Dear Mr. Appelo,

I'm a Ph.D. student of Munich University / Germany and the focus of my
thesis comprises thermodynamic modelling of seapage waters released by
steel slags. Thereby I use the Program PhreeqC. Since the databases e.g.

Wateq4f.dat of this program are rather limited concering the heavy
metals chromium, molybdean and vanadium I am searching for better
Thereby my question concerns if you have information on the availability
of better database which can be used in PhreeqC. Yet, I found the
homepage of Chess, however the download of
a PhreeqCdatabase is still named as under construction.

I would be very pleased if you can give me a short information about the

availability of databases or thermodynamical data for a self-made

Yours sincerely,

Bernd Kottke

org:Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München;Department für Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften
adr;quoted-printable:;;Luisenstrasse 37=0D=0A;80333 München;;;Germany
fn:Bernd Kottke

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