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Re: PHREEQC 2.8 on OS X

> As part of my Labor Day weekend activities, I decided to familiarize
myself with unix on MacOS X. As a result, I managed to successfully
compile PHREEQC 2.8 (generic unix version). I have attached the
terminal session for your perusal; there were some problems with tar
and many compiler warnings.

I wonder if you do not use the "p" option in tar whether the warnings will
go away.

As for the compiler warnings, it looks like it is objecting to some of the
and #ifdef statements. You could take out the -ansi flag and I think they
may go away. I'm not sure why it is objecting; the same flags cause no
errors (actually there are a couple warnings about long long) with Linux
and Sun gcc and Windows (Visual Studio)?

> I did not change anything in the Makefile,
so maybe some changes there would reduce the warnings. OS X comes with
both gcc 2.95 and 3.1, but 3.1 is the default.

We are running 2.96, so maybe it is something new in 3.1.

> Let me know what you think (I can also send check.out); it looks to me
like it works so we could release a compiled OS X version of PHREEQC
and easily keep it updated.

Looks like it worked to me. Why don't you send me the check.out file. It is
probably long, but I'll glance through it to see if anything looks wrong.

> Hope you are doing something more recreational this weekend!

We were in Arkansas this weekend for a get together with Renee's family, so
it was classic Labor Day activity.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
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Denver, CO 80225

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