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re: Enquiry on water pH


You can probably respond to this better than I.


ps-- Gordon, good to hear from you.

L. Niel Plummer
U.S. Geological Survey
432 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
Phone 703-648-5841
FAX 703-648-5832

----- Forwarded by Niel Plummer/WRD/USGS/DOI on 11/04/2003 11:06 AM -----
                      Gordon W Tribble                                                                 
                                               To:       Niel Plummer/WRD/USGS/DOI@xxxx                
                      11/04/2003 09:37         cc:       jiang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              
                      AM                       Subject:  re: Enquiry on water pH                       


Perhaps you can help with this inquiry or direct him onward. Hope things
are good ... gordon
Gordon Tribble
Pacific Islands Director of USGS Water Programs
----- Forwarded by Gordon W Tribble/WRD/USGS/DOI on 11/04/03 04:35 AM -----
                      Li Jiang                                                                               
                      <jiang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        To:       dc_hi@xxxxxxxx                                
                      ld.slb.com>                    cc:                                                     
                                                     Subject:  re: Enquiry on water pH                       
                      11/04/03 12:39 AM                                                                      


I would be most appreciated if you could provide information related to
USGS's expertise in modelling the dependence of water pH over temperature,
pressure and salinity.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Li Jiang, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
Schlumberger Cambridge Research
Cambridge, CB3 0EL
Tel:  44-1223-325442

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