Dear David, Thank you for the contact with Vincent Post. He helps me to use "USER_GRAPH" in an easy way. There were a synthatic problem concerning the outpout of pe (30 GRAPH_SY -LA("e-") was to be tape). Now I couldn't progress in modelling uranium-rollfront. The idea was to create a redox front such that inflooding U(VI) will precipitate at it. What I've yet done is to reduce to pe and uranium concentration trough sucessive equilibria with selected uranium phases. Although these are relevant for similating real life, it was not the aim (not a "real front"). I've found in the literature (Merkel & Planer-Friedrich: Abbau_10000Tage;) an example where the degradation of organic carbon induces the pricipitation of soluble uranium. but incooporate this kinetic step in the transport could not produces the same result (Roll-front122;). What is your comment? Thank you for the answer, I'll be absent for the rest of the week. Have a nice time, Chicgoua
TITLE Abbau organischer Substanz im Grundwasserleiter unter Reduktion redoxsensitiver Elemente (Fe, As, U, Cu, Mn, S) (10000 Tage) SOLUTION 1 Leaching-Lösung units ppm pe 4 O2(g) -0.7 temp 10 pH 2.3 S(6) 5000 as SO4 charge Cl 450 F 1 N(5) 100 as NO3 U 40 Fe 600 Zn 100 As 2 Mn 20 Pb 0.2 Ni 5 Cu 3 C 1 # ergänzt wegen calcite Cd 1 Li 0.1 Na 500 K 4 Mg 50 Ca 400 Al 200 Si 50 save solution 1 end use solution 1 KINETICS 1 Calcite -tol 1e-8 -m0 1e-2 -m 1e-2 -parms 50 0.6 Organic_C -formula CH2O -tol 1e-8 -m0 1 # mol/kgw -m 1 -steps 864000000 in 100 steps # 10.000 Tage -step_divide 1000000 Pyrite -tol 1e-8 -m0 1 -m 1 -parms -5.0 0.1 .5 -0.11 RATES Calcite -start 1 rem parm(1) = A/V, 1/dm parm(2) = exponent for m/m0 5 if time > 8640000 then goto 200 10 si_cc = si("Calcite") 20 if (m <= 0 and si_cc < 0) then goto 200 30 k1 = 10^(0.198 - 444.0 / (273.16 + tc) ) 40 k2 = 10^(2.84 - 2177.0 / (273.16 + tc) ) 50 if tc <= 25 then k3 = 10^(-5.86 - 317.0 / (273.16 + tc) ) 60 if tc > 25 then k3 = 10^(-1.1 - 1737.0 / (273.16 + tc) ) 70 t = 1 80 if m0 > 0 then t = m/m0 90 if t = 0 then t = 1 100 moles = parm(1) * 0.1 * (t)^parm(2) 110 moles = moles * (k1 * act("H+") + k2 * act("CO2") + k3 * act("H2O")) 120 moles = moles * (1 - 10^(2/3*si_cc)) 130 moles = moles * time 140 if (moles > m) then moles = m 150 if (moles >= 0) then goto 200 160 temp = tot("Ca") 170 mc = tot("C(4)") 180 if mc < temp then temp = mc 190 if -moles > temp then moles = -temp 200 save moles -end Organic_C -start 10 if (m <= 0) then goto 200 20 mO2 = mol("O2") 30 mNO3 = tot("N(5)") 40 mSO4 = tot("S(6)") # 50 rate = 1.57e-9*mO2/(2.94e-4 + mO2) + 1.67e-11*mNO3/(1.55e-4 + mNO3) 50 rate = 1.57e-7*mO2/(2.94e-4 + mO2) # 60 rate = rate + 1.e-13*mSO4/(1.e-4 + mSO4) 60 rate = rate + 1.e-10*mSO4/(1.e-4 + mSO4) 70 moles = rate * m * (m/m0) * time 80 if (moles > m) then moles = m 200 save moles -end Pyrite -start 1 rem parm(1) = log10(A/V, 1/dm) parm(2) = exp for (m/m0) 2 rem parm(3) = exp for O2 parm(4) = exp for H+ 10 if (m <= 0) then goto 200 20 if (si("Pyrite") >= 0) then goto 200 20 rate = -10.19 + parm(1) + parm(3)*lm("O2") + parm(4)*lm("H+") + parm(2)*log10(m/m0) 30 moles = 10^rate * time 40 if (moles > m) then moles = m 50 if (moles >= (mol("O2")/3.5)) then moles = mol("O2")/3.5 200 save moles -end EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES Al(OH)3(a) 0 0 Calcite 0 0 Coffinite 0 0 Jurbanite 0 0 Kaolinite 0 0 Pyrite 0 0 Uraninite(c) 0 0 SELECTED_OUTPUT -file Abbau_10000Tage.csv -totals Fe(2) Fe(3) U(6) As(3) As(5) Cu(1) Cu(2) Mn(2) Mn(3) Mn(6) Mn(7) -molalities SO4-2 CaSO4 UO2+2 UO2SO4 CuCl2- Cu+ CuCl3-2 CuHCO3+ Cu+2 CuSO4 CuCO3 -saturation_indices Al(OH)3(a) Calcite Coffinite Jurbanite Kaolinite Pyrite Uraninite(c) -kinetic_reactants Organic_C Pyrite Calcite -pH true -pe true END
TITLE Rollfront SOLUTION 0 Rainwater units mmol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0 charge pe 4.0 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 0 CO2(g) -3 10 O2(g) -0.7 10 Save Solution 0 END SOLUTION 12-21 SOLUTION 1-10 USE solution 0 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1-2 Calcite 0.0 0.1 Goethite 0.0 0.1 SAVE solution 1-2 END USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 3 Schoepite 0.0 0.1 Calcite 0.0 0.1 Goethite 0.0 0.1 SAVE solution 3 END USE solution 3 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 4-7 Schoepite 0.0 0.1 Calcite 0.0 0.1 Pyrite 0.0 0.1 SAVE solution 4 END USE solution 4 KINETICS 7-10 Organic_C -formula CH2O -tol 1e-8 -m0 1 -m 1 -steps 51840000 in 100 steps RATES Organic_C -start 10 if (m <= 0) then goto 200 20 mO2 = mol("O2") 30 mNO3 = tot("N(5)") 40 mSO4 = tot("S(6)") 50 rate = 1.57e-7*mO2/(2.94e-4 + mO2) 60 rate = rate + 1.e-10*mSO4/(1.e-4 + mSO4) 70 moles = rate * m * (m/m0) * time 80 if (moles > m) then moles = m 200 save moles -end END KNOBS -pe 2 -step 2 -iterations 200 SOLUTION_SPECIES H2O + .01e- = H2O-0.01 log_k -9 TRANSPORT -cells 10 -shifts 100 -time_step 86400 -flow_direction forward -length 1 -dispersivities 2.0 -punch_cells 1-10 -punch_frequency 100 -stagnant 1 1.056e-10 0.05 0.15 -print_cells 1-10 -print_frequency 100 PRINT -reset false SELECTED_OUTPUT -file Roll-front122.csv -reset false -time false -distance true -totals U -pH true -pe true USER_GRAPH -headings x U pe -chart_title Uranrollfront -axis_titles "Distance[m]" "Konzentration [Mol]" "pe-Wert" -axis_scale y_axis 0.6 30 -axis_scale secondary_y_axis -6.0 12.0 -initial_solutions false -plot_concentration_vs x 10 GRAPH_X DIST 20 GRAPH_Y tot("U") 30 GRAPH_SY -LA("e-") END
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