Dear Mr. Parkhurst, I am having problems in modeling Uranyl sorption to ferrihydrite as it is laid out in Waite et al. (1994) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. In this paper they define the mass-action law for the formation of a bidentate (=FeO)2-UO2 complex with an exponent of 1 for the =FeOH, that is [(=Fe-O)2UO2] * {H+}² / [=FeOH] (power1!!) * {UO2+2} = K * exp(2*F*Psi/RT) but in the mass-balance equation 2 mole =FeOH are consumed per mole of (=FeO)2-UO2 formed. In the Phreeqc user guide I have found that you have already considered this case. Under the topic SURFACE_SPIECES it says: "In PHREEQC version 1, the -no_check option was included to permit the stoichiometry of a species to be defined separately from the mass-action equation. Specifically, the sorption of uranium on iron oxides as described by Waite and others (1994) provides an example, where they use different coefficients in the mass-action equation than the mole-balance equations. However, activity of a surface species is defined as mole fraction of sites occupied by the species in PHREEQC version 2 which is inconsistent with activity that is defined as molality by Waite and others (1994) and PHREEQC version 1. It is noted that formulas with coefficients of only 1 in the mass-action-equation will give identical results for PHREEQC version 1 and 2." Am I correct that as in the mass action equation only the H+ activity has an exponent of 2, Phreeqc should provide similar results to Waite et al.? I set it up as follows but I run into problems that the total H balance of the system is distorted. I would be glad if you have any suggestions. SURFACE_SPECIES Hfo_wOH + UO2+2 = (Hfo_wO)2UO2 + 2H+ log_k -6.06 -no_check -mole_balance (Hfo_wO)2UO2 Best regards, Frank-Andreas Weber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Dipl.-Ing. Frank-Andreas Weber Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-4020 work phone (650) 723-1825 home phone (650) 566-1379 Frank-Andreas.Weber@xxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
U Sorption to Ferrihydrite Waite et al 1994.pqi
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