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Guide to the Revised Heat and Solute Transport Simulator: HST3D -- Version 2

by Kenneth L. Kipp, Jr.

U.S. Geological Survey

Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4157, 1997, 149 p.


The Heat- and Solute-Transport Program (HST3D) simulates ground-water flow and associated heat and solute transport in three dimensions. Over the years since the release of Versions 1.0 through 1.4, various additions, modifications, and corrections have been made to the original simulator. Major changes included in Version 2 are (1) a revised data-input file with all spatial information described by coordinate location; (2) a new iterative solver for the matrix equations based on a generalized conjugate-gradient method; (3) an evapotranspiration boundary condition; (4) a division of the simulator output into many files; (5) a new set of output files designed for use by post-processing programs for graphical visualization and for flow totalization; (6) a pre-processor for evaluating dimensioning requirements; and (7) a post-processor for totalizing boundary flow rates and cumulative amounts. The post-processing program for graphical visualization must be supplied by the user. Version 2 of the simulator has been verified using five test problems selected from the published literature. One involves heat transport, four involve solute transport, and all have variable-density fluids.


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Last modified: 22 Jun 2005