Setting Drawing Size and Scale

The main part of the postprocessor window is a drawing area for displaying simulation results. When you load the file containing save simulation results, the size and scale of the drawing is set to the size and scale information saved with the file.

To change the size and scale of the drawing, click the "Options" menu and select "Drawing...". The "Drawing Options" dialog box is displayed.

Drawing Size: Specified by width and height in inches. Defines the size of the printed output.

Scale: Defines the model distance in the horizontal (x or r) and vertical (z) directions represented by 1 inch on the drawing. To create a drawing with no vertical exaggeration, enter the same value for both horizontal and vertical directions.

Ruler Units: The horizontal and vertical rulers on the preprocessor window can show either model units or inches on the drawing. When setting up a simulation, it is more convenient to show the ruler in model units.

Origin: The location of the origin is defined on the drawing as inches in the horizontal direction from the left edge of the drawing, and inches in the vertical direction from the top of the drawing. Note that the x or r axis points to the right, and the z axis points downward.

Decimal Places: Specifies the number of decimal places to shown by the cursor coordinates at the lower left corner of the postprocessor window.

See also: