Partial Migration Procedure for Data Prepared for VS2DT 2.5
For data originally prepared for VS2DT 2.5, the partial
migration procedure requires:
- no change in the model data file
- creating a namelist file
The namelist file must contain the following 9 lines. The commonly
used file names are indicated in parentheses.
- The name of the model data file (vs2dt.dat).
- The name of the main output file (vs2dt.out).
- The name of the auxiliary output file containing maximum head change
for each time step (file07.out).
- The name of the auxiliary output file containing heads and concentrations at
selected times (file08.out).
- The name of the auxiliary output file containing selected fluid and solute balance
components at each time step (file09.out)
- The name of the auxiliary output file containing heads, concentrations, etc.
for selected observation points at each time step (file11.out).
- If initial pressure heads or moisture contents are specified in
an array, then enter the name of the file containing this array.
(If this array is in the model data file, repeat line 1 here.)
If initial pressure heads or moisture contents are not specified in
an array, then skip this line. (Do not enter a blank line.)
- If initial concentrations are specified in an array, then enter the
name of the file containing this array. (If this array is in the model data file,
repeat line 1 here.) If initial concentrations are not specified in
an array, then skip this line. (Do not enter a blank line.)
- The line containing "# vs2dt2.5xn" (without quotes), where the letter 'x' is replaced by
a single-character code that indicates the type of hydraulic characteristic
function, and n is a single-integer code that indicates the type of
adsorption or ion exchange.
Replace 'x' by one of the following letters:
b - Brooks Corey
v - van Genuchten
h - Haverkamp
t - tabular data
Replace 'n' by one of the following integers:
1 - no adsorption, no ion exchange
2 - by Langmuir isotherm
3 - Freundlich isotherm
4 - Monovalent-monovalent ion exchange
5 - Monovalent-divalent ion exchange
6 - Divalent-monovalent ion exchange
7 - Divalent-divalent ion exchange
For example, the line "# vs2dt2.5v3" indicates use of the
van Genuchten hydraulic characteristic function, and
adsorption described by the Freundlich isotherm.
Note: The namelist file must be placed in the same directory
as the model data file.
To view sample files after full migration, please click the following:
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