Basic Options

Title: A description of the simulation. Must be 80 characters or less.

Length, Time, and Mass Units: Select from the choices or specify your own. The same units apply to all data. For example, if units are meter (m), second (s), and gram (g), then hydraulic conductivity will be in m/s, and concentration will be in g/m3.

Note: The program does not convert values if units are changed after data entry. Data always maintain their numerical values as entered by the user.

Use radial coordinates: Select this option to simulate flow (and transport) in a cylindrical domain with axial symmetry.

Simulate transport: Select this option to include solute transport in the simulation.

Simulate Evaporation: Select this option to include evaporation (over bare soil) in the simulation.

Simulate Transpiration: Select this option to include transpiration (plant-root extraction) in the simulation.

See also:

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