Boundary conditions are specified by recharge periods. For each recharge period, boundary conditions must be assigned to each segment of the exterior boundary plus any interior boundaries. (A segment is the straight line connecting two adjacent vertices on a boundary.)
In VS2DTI, a boundary condition applies to the entire segment. To vary the boundary condition along a segment, it is necessary to insert vertices on the segment to subdivide it into smaller pieces. Different boundary conditions can then be specified on the subdivided pieces.There are two types of boundary conditions:
To simulate fluid flow only, each boundary segment must be assigned a flow boundary condition for all recharge periods. To simulate flow and solute transport, each boundary segment must be assigned a flow boundary condition and a transport boundary condition for all recharge periods. To specify boundary conditions, select "Boundary Conditions" from the "Active Data" selector. The Recharge Period Window is also displayed. Boundary conditions are displayed by colors and by labels. The displayed boundary conditions correspond to the selected (highlighted) period in the Recharge Period Window. The recharge period number is also shown on the lower right corner of the main window.
You may:
Note: For any recharge period, if you do not assign a boundary condition to a boundary segment, that segment will be assigned a flow boundary condition of "no flow across boundary" and a transport boundary condition of "no solute mass flux across boundary."
Next step: Specify observation points
Previous step: Specify recharge periods
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