Drawing the Domain
The domain is the region in which fluid flow and solute transport
is simulated (see figure).
The domain is surrounded by the exterior boundary.
Regions inside the domain may be excluded by interior boundaries.
Exterior and interior boundaries are represented by polygons. Regions
outside of exterior boundaries and inside of interior boundaries are
To draw the domain, select "Domain" from the
"Active Data" selector
You may then:
- A boundary should not cross itself to form multiple pieces
- Only one exterior boundary is allowed.
- After the exterior boundary is drawn, it may be modified,
but cannot be deleted.
- Flow and transport boundary conditions are uniform across the the boundary
segment that connects two adjacent vertices. The user will need to
place vertices at all points where boundary conditions will change.
- Interior boundaries cannot be drawn until after
the exterior boundary is drawn.
- Interior boundaries should be drawn inside the exterior boundary.
- Interior boundaries should not intersect the exterior boundary or each
- When working in radial coordinates, the domain should be entirely
in the region of r >= 0.
Next step: Draw the textural Map
Previous step: Load a site map
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