VS2DT 3.0 Model Output Files
Model output files contains text (ASCII) output generated by
the numerical model VS2DT 3.0. These files include:
- A main output file with labels and headings, and
is therefore suitable for viewing (in printed form or
with a text editor), and
- Several auxiliary output files that contain numerical values
without labels and heading, and are more suitable
for importing into graphing programs.
When running a simulation using the postprocessor, model output
files are put in the current working directory (the directory where
the document file is stored).
The names of output files are:
- vs2dt.out: main output file
- file07.out: this file is currently not used. Although it is generated, it is
always empty.
- file08.out: auxiliary output file containing heads and
concentrations at selected times
- file09.out: auxiliary output file containing selected mass
balance components at each time step
- file11.out: auxiliary output file containing heads, concentrations,
etc. for selected observation points at each time step
Note to VS2DT 2.5 users: The file10.out is not used in VS2DT 3.0.
See also:
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