The preprocessor consists of a main window in which graphical data
can be drawn in the drawing area. In addition, numerical data can be
entered into tables, and options can be selected via menus.
The preprocessor generates input data for the
numerical model VS2DT 3.0.
Features of the preprocessor window
(see figure):
- The "Drawing Area" is where graphic input are drawn.
- The "Active Data" selector is used to switch among different
types of data (for example, boundary conditions, grid, etc.)
to be entered on the drawing area. "Active Data" refers to
the type of data currently being entered or edited.
- The tool bar holds buttons used for data entry and editing.
- Menus are used for file management, displaying and editing data,
selecting options, and getting Help.
- Horizontal and vertical rulers show the coordinate axis system.
- The cursor coordinates (lower left corner of window) give the
position of the cursor with respect to the model axes.
See also:
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