The 18O profile was determined from 760 equally spaced samples along
the length of the core. The 18O values from the upper 107.5
m of the core generally were within the +/- two sigma range of lateral
variability calculated from the surficial snow grid data. From 107.5 m
to 105 m, the mean 18O value shifted abruptly to -19.81 to 0.91
permil lighter than the mean core value of -18.90. Using age-to-depth relationships
developed from the 3H and 14C data, this isotopically
lighter section of the core corresponds to the approximate time interval
from the early-to-mild 1800's A.D., thus encompassing the end of the LIA.
The pronounced shift to lighter isotopic values in the section of the core
corresponding to the approximate time interval of the LIA suggests that
a low resolution, stable isotope record of climate has been preserved.