USGS: Science for a changing world

PHREEQC version 3 is the current version, Version 1.6 is OBSOLETE.

PHREEQC--A Computer Program for Speciation, Reaction-Path, Advective Transport, and Inverse Geochemical Calculations (Version 1.6)


[   ] PHREEQC Abstract
[   ] PHREEQC On-Line User's Guide
[   ] PHREEQC Installation Instructions For DOS version 1.6
[   ] PHREEQC Installation Instructions For Unix version 1.6
[   ] PHREEQC Installation Instructions For Mac version 1.6
[   ] FAQ--Frequently Asked Questions about PHREEQC and PhreeqcI
[   ] References for PHREEQC
[   ] Examples and info from Appelo's home page


[   ] Unix version 1.6: Source, data base files, examples, Postscript documentation (0.9M)
[   ] DOS version 1.6: Executable, source, data base files, examples, Postscript and PDF documentation (1.4M)
[   ] Mac version 1.6: Executable, source, data base files, examples, PDF documentation (1.2M)
[   ] Postscript Documentation (Already included in Dos and Unix versions 1.6) (1.3M)
[   ] PDF Acrobat Documentation (Better than the PDF included in Dos and Mac version 1.6) (0.8M)

Status: OBSOLETE, replaced by PHREEQC version 3

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