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Attachment C--Input File To Investigate the Order of the Numerical Method For Example 12

The following input data file performs calculations for example 12, which models the diffusion of heat and solute from a constant boundary condition at one end and a closed boundary condition at the other. The input file is simplified from that given in example 12 by eliminating one of the transport calculations and setting up the initial conditions directly with SOLUTION data blocks.

For the constant boundary condition, an analytical solution exists for the temperature and concentration as a function of time and distance. To test the accuracy of the numerical method, the TRANSPORT calculation is performed with two discretizations, a 20-cell model and a 60-cell model. For a second-order method, decreasing the cell size by a factor of three should decrease the discrepancy with the analytical solution by a factor of about nine. The deviations from the analytical solutions for each model at the end of the time step are calculated and stored with PUT statements for distances from 0.5 to 8.5 m (in 0.5 m increments) by the Basic program in the USER_PUNCH data block. The stored results are printed in an additional simulation with a USER_PRINT data block. The final simulation is a dummy calculation for pure water, none of the results are printed. However, the calculation causes USER_PRINT to be invoked. The Basic program in the USER_PRINT data block uses GET statements and prints the results stored by the USER_PUNCH Basic program during the previous TRANSPORT simulations.

Table 56. --Input data set for example 12 demonstrating second-order accuracy of the numerical method

TITLE Example 12a.--Advective and diffusive transport of heat and solutes.
      Constant boundary condition at one end, closed at other.
      The problem is designed so that temperature should equal Na-conc 
      (in mmol/kgw) after diffusion. Compares with analytical solution
      for 20-cell and 60-cell models.
  Na+ + X- = NaX
    log_k       0.0
    -gamma      4.0     0.075
  H+ + X- = HX
    log_k       -99.
    -gamma      9.0     0.0
  K+ + X- = KX
    log_k       0.0
    -gamma       3.5     0.015
#   20-cell model, initial conditions
SOLUTION 0   Fixed temp 24C, and NaCl conc (first type boundary cond) at inlet
    units  mol/kgw
    temp 24
    pH  7.0
    pe  12.0   O2(g) -0.67
    Na  24.e-3
    Cl  24.e-3
SOLUTION 1-19   24.0 mM KNO3
    units mol/kgw
    temp  0                 # Incoming solution 0C
    pH    7.0
    pe   12.0   O2(g) -0.67
    K    24.e-3
    N(5) 24.e-3
    KX    0.048
SOLUTION 20  Same as soln 0 in cell 20 at closed column end (second type boundary cond)
    units  mol/kgw
    temp 24
    pH  7.0
    pe  12.0   O2(g) -0.67
    Na  24.e-3
    Cl  24.e-3
    NaX    0.048
   -reset   false
#   20-cell model, transport
TRANSPORT                   # Diffuse 24C, NaCl solution from column end
   -cells   20
   -shifts 1
   -flow_d diffusion
   -bcon   constant  closed
   -length  1.0
   -thermal_diffusion  3.0  # Heat is retarded equal to Na
   -disp    0.0             # No dispersion
   -diffc  0.3e-9           # m^2/s
   -timest 1.0e+10          # 317 years, 19 substeps will be used
   -file    ex12a.sel
   -high_precision  true
   -reset   false
   -dist    true
   -temp    true
  -head Na_mmol K_mmol Cl_mmol Cl-analytic  Na_analytic
  10  PUNCH TOT("Na")*1000, TOT("K")*1000, TOT("Cl")*1000
#   Calculate deviation from analytical solution for Cl and Na
  20  DATA 0.254829592, -0.284496736, 1.421413741, -1.453152027, 1.061405429
  30  x = DIST
  40  if (x > 8.5 OR SIM_TIME <= 0) THEN END
  50  IF (ABS(x MOD 0.5) > 1e-3) OR (TC <= 0) THEN END
  60  READ a1, a2, a3, a4, a5
  70      REM  calculate error in Cl
  80  Arg = x / (2*SQRT(3e-10 * SIM_TIME / 1.0))
  90  e = 1/(1 + 0.3275911 * Arg)
  100 erfc_Cl = (e*(a1+e*(a2+e*(a3+e*(a4+e*a5)))))*EXP(-Arg*Arg);
  110     REM  calculate error in Na
  120 Arg = x / (2*SQRT(3e-10 * SIM_TIME / 3.0))
  130 e = 1/(1 + 0.3275911 * Arg)
  140 erfc_Na = (e*(a1+e*(a2+e*(a3+e*(a4+e*a5)))))*EXP(-Arg*Arg);
  150     REM punch results
  160 error_Cl = 0.024 * erfc_Cl - TOT("Cl")
  170 error_Na = 0.024 * erfc_Na - TOT("Na")
  180 PUNCH error_Cl, error_Na
  190     REM store results
  200 j = x - 0.5
  210 PUT(error_Cl, SIM_NO, j, 1) 
  220 PUT(error_Na, SIM_NO, j, 2) 
  500 END
#   60-cell model, initial conditions
   -user_punch false
SOLUTION 0  Fixed temp 24C, and NaCl conc (first type boundary cond) at inlet
    units  mol/kgw
    temp 24
    pH  7.0
    pe  12.0   O2(g) -0.67
    Na  24.e-3
    Cl  24.e-3
SOLUTION 1-59   24.0 mM KNO3
    units mol/kgw
    temp  0                 # Incoming solution 0C
    pH    7.0
    pe   12.0   O2(g) -0.67
    K    24.e-3
    N(5) 24.e-3
    KX    0.048
SOLUTION 60  Same as soln 0 in cell 60 at closed column end (second type boundary cond)
    units  mol/kgw
    temp 24
    pH  7.0
    pe  12.0   O2(g) -0.67
    Na  24.e-3
    Cl  24.e-3
    NaX    0.048
#   60-cell model, transport
TRANSPORT                   # Diffuse 24C, NaCl solution from column end
   -cells   60
   -shifts 1
   -flow_d diffusion
   -bcon   constant  closed
   -thermal_diffusion  3.0  # Heat is retarded equal to Na
   -disp    0.0             # No dispersion
   -diffc  0.3e-9           # m^2/s
   -length .33333333333333333
   -timest 1.0e+10          # 317 years 
   -punch_cell 1-60
   -high_precision  true
   -user_punch true
   -reset   false
   -dist    true
   -temp    true
#   Print comparison with analytical solution for 
#   Cl and Na in 20-cell and 60-cell models
SOLUTION                    # Initial solution calculation for pure water
                            # A calculation is needed to invoke USER_PRINT
   -reset false             # Initial solution calculation not printed
   -user_print true
   -high_precision false    # Controls precision for USER_PRINT too.
  10  PRINT "             Error in Cl concentration Error in Na concentration"
  20  PRINT "             ------------------------- -------------------------"    
  30  PRINT "    Distance      20-cell      60-cell      20-cell      60-cell"
  40  PRINT " "
  50  FOR j = 0 TO 8
  60    PRINT j + 0.5, GET(2, j, 1), GET(4, j, 1), GET(2, j, 2), GET(4, j, 2)
  70  NEXT j

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