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Dr. Parkhurst,

I will be using PHREEQC to model soil & ground water controls on solute fluxes with Jamie Shanley at the Sleepers River WEBB site.

I first posed this question to Don Siegel since he taught an Aqueous Geochem course using PHREEQC last spring and he suggested writing directly to you. I have dissolved organic carbon data and want to include these data in model runs. Can DOC be incorporated into PHREEQC as concentration input data? I have not had any luck when looking through the manual for DOC as a solution species. Can you direct me to any resources regarding DOC as an input parameter to PHREEQ?

I appreciate your time & help, sds

Stephen Sebestyen, graduate student
State University of New York
College of Environmental Science & Forestry

211 Marshall Hall
Forestry SUNY-CESF
1 Forestry Drive
Syracuse, NY 13210-2788

e-mail: sdsebest@xxxxxxx
office: 1+315 470 4831   fax: 1+315 470 6956

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