> I will be using PHREEQC to model soil & ground water controls on solute fluxes with Jamie Shanley at the Sleepers River WEBB site. Great. I think there must be a good story there with all the information they have collected. > I first posed this question to Don Siegel since he taught an Aqueous Geochem course using PHREEQC last spring and he suggested writing directly to you. I have dissolved organic carbon data and want to include these data in model runs. Can DOC be incorporated into PHREEQC as concentration input data? I have not had any luck when looking through the manual for DOC as a solution species. Can you direct me to any resources regarding DOC as an input parameter to PHREEQ? I'm not sure what you want to do with the DOC in the model. The wateq4f.dat has Fulvate and Humate defined, but that is only useful for metal-binding calculations. You can define a Doc "element" with SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES and SOLUTION_SPECIES and then enter the Doc, but that would essentially produce a conservative element that moves with the water. You could expand on that and react the Doc by using a KINETIC reaction (and associated RATE) that removes Doc and introduces C, 2H, and O into the solution, which would simulate organic decomposition, but maybe that isn't a big reaction at Sleepers River? So if you tell me what you really need to calculate, I can probably give you some advice on how to proceed. David David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx) U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046, MS 413 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Project web page: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled
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