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Re: Question

> I would like to add some kinetics directly in the llnl.dat database (to
save space in the programming sheet), for other minerals than calcite, etc.
that are already included. Is there a way to do this addition, saving the
new datafile under another name and use it with PHREEQC ?

Yes. Just add the new RATES to the database you are using. You probably
want to leave the original database unchanged and save the new database
with a new name.

If you are running PhreeqcI, when you click "Run", you have the opportunity
to select a database. You can also change the database for an input file
when you are editing the input file by clicking File->properties. Finally,
you can set the default database for new input files that you create with
Options->Set Default Database.

If you are running batch PHREEQC from a command line, you can invoke
PHREEQC with 3 arguments,

phreeqc input_file output_file database_file.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

Project web page: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled

                      CHENEVIERE Pascal                                                                             
                      <Pascal.CHENEVIERE@xxxxxx        To:       dlpark@xxxxxxxx                                    
                      inaelf.com>                      cc:                                                          
In-Reply-To: <OF902A756B.04966C42-ONC1256CC5.004FF180@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
                                                       Subject:  Question                                           
                      02/06/03 07:41 AM                                                                             

Dear David,

I would like to add some kinetics directly in the llnl.dat database (to
save space in the programming sheet), for other minerals than calcite, etc.
that are already included.
Is there a way to do this addition, saving the new datafile under another
name and use it with PHREEQC ?

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards


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