----- Forwarded by Michele Y Crouse/WRD/USGS/DOI on 04/16/01 01:43 p.m. ----- "Barbara Coto Suarez" To: h2osoft@xxxxxxxx <barbarapiri@xxx cc: mail.com> Subject: 04/16/01 01:34 p.m. Hello. I am a Spanish student working with Phreeqc. I am trying to do an inverse modelling and I have problems with the uncertainty term, I am not able to run the program unless I specify a value of 1, and this means a really big error. Can you please give me any advise about this?. I can send you my input file if you need it. Thank you very much. Barbara Coto Suarez Tu correo gratis en MixMail http://www.mixmail.com Ayudanos a ganar los iBest! http://www.ya.com/ibest
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