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is it possible to add a certain amount of a solution to each cell within a
transport simulation with PHREEQC e.g. via the MIX statement? The aim of
this is to simulate dilution within a contaminaton plume.



                              (-  O)
Prof.Dr.Broder J.Merkel  Chair of Hydrogeology  Head of Geology Departement
Gustav Zeuner Str.12  D-09596 Freiberg - Germany  merkel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
               Tel. +49-3731-39 2792   Fax: +49-3731-39 2720
privat: Enge Gasse 26  09599 Freiberg tel. +49-3731-218231 mob. 0172-3763516
Intern. Congress Uranium and Hydrogeology http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/umh/
neuer Studiengang:              http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/geoinformatik/

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